Tabletops are sold separately for both logistical & transportation ease, generally speaking, companies that make complete tables are also the ones that supply tabletops separately. Of these wooden table tops are the most widely used and the most widely preferred
This is mainly due to the plentiful options that wooden table tops provide in terms, of shaping them into different forms, various designs, shapes, sizes, colors & quality grades
Below we've listed a few tabletops that we sell in India to a varied customer base. Typically, buying tabletops separately has been a practice followed only by restauranteurs, cafe owners, food courts & other dining establishments with a large, wholesale restaurant table requirements
Given the fact that we make these at our own manufacturing unit in the western belt of the country, we're able to offer direct factory prices.
Our wooden tabletops in India are primarily made using Mangowood, Acacia, Teakwood, Rubberwood & Plywood but we also undertake special wood species projects from time to time