Choose from luxurious outdoor furniture replete with premium upholstery or choose from simple, budget outdoor furniture with simple cushion & foam padding, depending on your requirement from a specialist designer & manufacturer of outdoor furniture
Since you've landed here specifically looking for outdoor furniture, you probably understand the need for being thorough to understand that why furniture should be of an outdoor grade. Standard furniture is too brittle to survive for any meaningful time in the outdoors; for this purpose, using furniture that is made in wrought iron, cast iron, cane weave or outdoor resistant solid wood with artificial pores & coating to allow seepages is a must
This is also why, doing a thorough check & study before purchasing bulk quantities of outdoor furniture is a must, since manufacturers generally tend to cut corners with unsuspecting customers to lower manufacturing costs.
At FurnitureRoots, we understand this predicament & we're here to guide you through the process, regardless of whether you buy from us. We've recently begun full-fledged operations in Australia & we would love to share our product collection with you