Auf der ganzen Welt gewinnt die Vorstellung, dass antike Möbel eine großartige Möglichkeit sind, eine vergangene Ära wiederzubeleben und ein Wohnzimmer, Esszimmer, Schlafzimmer oder Gewerbe zu schmücken, an Bedeutung.
Moreover, antique furniture is borderless and folks from every corner of the globe can celebrate the rich culture and heritage of an era that brings a certain flair of charm to their home or business.
Vintage antique furniture generally refers to furniture designs that are at least half a century old. During the time, machinery and advanced manufacturing techniques were hardly used. Cheaper alternatives for raw materials we take for granted today were simply not available at the time. Much sturdier materials like cast iron are substituted with alternatives like stainless steel or mild steel.
As a result, re-creating these fine specimens requires several hours of skilled labour and access to materials that add to the authentic character of these vintage furniture styles. However, this also means a tremendous cost overrun
This is precisely why we find it to be a lot more feasible for us and the customer to keep our vintage furniture manufacturing facility off-shore and sell globally through our network of suppliers and sister importing agencies.[Click Here To See Our Factory Location]