Personalize uma mesa elegante para seus quartos de hotel com FurnitureRoots! Seus convidados ficarão maravilhados com a elegância dessas mesas e também amarão sua qualidade e conveniência. Práticas e funcionais, essas mesas de estudo ou de escrita são totalmente personalizáveis para sincronizar perfeitamente com seus quartos de hotel existentes.
Let your guests have an outstanding stay with FurnitureRoots’ elegantly designed, bespoke furniture desks as part of the overall room furniture suppliers for hotels.
FurnitureRoots is a hotel furniture company that sells a wide range of hospitality-specific furniture globally @prices that even wholesalers would not be able to match. To see room desks, room furniture & more in marine, coastal or beachy designs that are much more suitable for resorts, click here.
Please click this link if you’re looking for hotel reception desks