Teak furniture is made using hardwood teak, which is native only to a handful of regions and is mainly found in South Asian countries like Myanmar, Indonesia & India
Teak furniture is widely used for its unique properties such as its strength and resilience which makes allows it to withstand rough climates and brutal weather alike, all while being absolutely stunning, solid & premium to look at, IF made, carved, joined & polished by a reputed and well-skilled supplier.
The reason for a flourishing teak furniture market is due to the presence of highly skilled generational craftsmen who were well known for their dexterous hand-work for furniture that was supplied to the royalties & Maharajas.
These days, this art is coupled with high-tech manufacturing techniques that ensure durability and sturdiness, which is precisely why teak is the preferred wood for outdoor furniture & is used in hospitality businesses, patios, restaurants, bars & pubs alike.
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